Journal Sep. 2024

ISSN: 2588-5111




Haniyeh Parhizkari, Mahtab Shakibmanesh

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 4-6)

One of the unusual properties of water is its freezing from
the surface. According to the laws of thermodynamics,
when water molecules freeze, their density becomes lower
than that of liquid molecules, so they move upwards and
accumulate at the surface of the liquid.




Reihane Vojoudi ,Sorena Jafari, Khaje Nasir Toosi university of science and technology
Co-authors: Nicky Khodadad , Muhammad Eslamifar , Mostafa Lotfi

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 7- 10)

First, let us estimate the origin of the phenomenon
observed. When you light a candle, lot happens (Fig. 1)!
Heat melts wax close to the wick and the melted wax flows
up the wick by capillary action. The wax is vaporized
(becomes a hot gas) and its hydrocarbons break down into
hydrogen (H) and carbon (C). Now gaseous wax burns in
oxygen (O) to produce water vapor, carbon dioxide, heat,
and light.





Seyed Mohammad Hoseini Yamin , Shahid Beheshti University
Co- Authors: Reza Pourkodabakhshi, Sina Ghafouri, Armin Tabesh

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 11-13)

Producing sound in different conditions is conceptually
interesting. In the other hand, use of sounds for our
objectives are attractive, too. For example, some people
think about thermo acoustic engines to make heat with
sound and reversely produce heat using of sound. The last
has more application for our routine life. Here with the aid
of fundamental concept…





Mohaddeseh Masoumi

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 14-16)

Magnetic Ferrofluids (MFFs) are colloidal suspensions
made up of tiny ferromagnetic particles, about 10nm in
diameter, suspended in a carrier liquid and have magnetic
and liquid properties simultaneously. Ferrofluid surface is
exposed to a heterogeneous magnetic field which instead
of being flat or curved, it is a convex surface or nails-like
protrusion. Its reason is applying of too much magnetic




Seyed Mohammad Hoseini Yamin
Co- Authors : Reza Pourkhodabakhshi , Seyed Mohammad Hoseini Yamin , Armin Tabesh , Sina Ghafouri
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 17-18)

Indeed, in this essay we are searching for finding an
explanation to our problem. Really why we can relight a
candle from upside by a little distance of candle’s top part?
Actually we have some probable solutions for solving
this problem. Some solutions are focused on paraffin part
of candle.




Seyed Ali Madani, Muhamad Hassan Muhammadi

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P19-21)

Collision of the jet with an obstacle, cause standing
waves upstream of the obstacle. This phenomena can be
observed in low velocity jets of household tap. About this
phenomena there aren’t much papers in relation to an
analogue phenomena called capillary waves on fluid




Fatemeh Akbari

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 22-24)

When a rolling object (sphere, disc, ring,…) is put on a
horizontal rotating disc although we predict that the rolling
object will be cast away from the turntable (because of the
Centrifugal force), interesting trajectories will be observed
while the rolling object is bearing on turntable without
being expelled from it like charged particles absorbing in
an electric field .Frequency of the turntable and rolling
friction force are…




Nooshin rajabi, Maryam Maghsoodi

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 25-29)

Acoustic Fresnel lenses have a great application in
acoustic microscopy and different category. They have
emerged as an alternative to the conventional due to ease of
fabrication even with the low efficiency of 40% of input




Javad Khoramdel , University of Khajeh Nasir
co-authors: Foojan Norouzi kia , Ali Soleimani , Majid Zare, Hamed Shadkam

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 30-32)

Sound is a vibration that propagates as wave of pressure
and needs a medium to be transmitted. At first, let’s have a
look at speakers and see how they work.
As shown in figure (1), it consists of a circular magnet
which is the North Pole. Within the cone, there is another
magnet which is the South Pole, surrounded by the voice
coil. Suspension (spider) supports whatever that is
underneath it and allows the cone to move freely up and




Haleh Forouzesh, Maryam Rostami, Hanieh Mohammadi

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 33-34)

In zeer pot, water evaporates through sand which has
filled the gap between the inner pot and the outer pot, out of
the outer pot. The water serves as refrigerant .The sand is
considered as a thermal mass and helps moisture up the wall
of outer pot’s surface.




Maryam Shahrami

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 35-38)

As we told, when we generate water waves with a
horizontal cylinder, different shapes of water waves and
vortexes creates on the Surface of the water. You can see
that the waves drift away or toward from the cylinder. In
other articles they changed the geometrical parameters of
the shape of the floater and viscosity of liquid and got some




a) Reza Niamanesh, b) Nita Jafarzadeh
a), b)

Journal Vol 8, No 1, 2024, (P 39-43)

When we direct an air flow through the hole on the disk,we hear a sound

which’s a non-periodic wave . The changes of Amplitude by time are shown

on this chart for a disk with 12 holes on it.

