Please read the guidelines below before submission!


Authors should submit their manuscripts  as a Word document (doc). For review purposes submitted papers (both original and revised articles) must be formatted with continuous line numbering and double spaced text throughout. All original files that you upload will be available for the Editorial Office to access. Figures should be in high resolution and separately in PDF or JPEG  format. All figures should be numbered. Tables also should be numbered with a caption (title) explaining the components. Identifying any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption should be done.

Journal Policies

When an article is submitted to our Journal, it undergoes the process of review.

1- The article will be assigned for review to a member of our editorial board which accept / Decline the submission

2- If an article is accepted, editor (s)will ask the authors for revisions.

3- After revisions, the manuscript will move forward to peer-review.

4- The manuscript will be published after a revision process in annual issue once it is accepted by the editor-in-chief.

Plagiarism Policy 

All authors are required to sign a Copyright form which includes the following plagiarism statement.

In signing this form, the undersigned author(s) confirm that:

  1. All text, data, figures, and ideas are original work or have been accurately cited.
  2. All data collection and analysis were performed transparently and accurately.
  3. The manuscript does not violate the privacy, publication, or other legal right of a third party.

Copyright Policy

According to our copyright policy, anyone is permitted to copy, redistribute, and use all articles but and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

You may submit your manuscript by: